
Wellness Programs

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Total Wellness is very important to your ability to age gracefully and staying independent through the end of life.  In 1987, Health Promotion programs, to support total wellness, were added to the Older Americans Act (OAA).  In 2012, OAA required that health promotion programs be comprised of Evidenced-Based Programs (EBP) because it is known that EBP types of programs reduce the need for more costly medical interventions while improving total wellness. 

What is Total Wellness?  Total Wellness is a holistic approach to health and well-being that considers all 6 dimensions of wellness.  

What are the 6 dimensions of wellness? 

  • Physical Wellness:  Recognizes the importance of caring for your body by eating the right foods, including physical activity, getting enough sleep, and seeing physicians to maintain or prevent chronic disease states. 
  • Emotional Wellness:  Recognizes and is aware of the capacity to manage one's feelings and related behaviors. 
  • Social Wellness: Recognizes the importance of contributing to your environment and your community.
  • Intellectual Wellness: Recognizes the importance of stimulating mental activities through the use of current knowledge and skills while discovering the potential for learning.
  • Occupational Wellness: Recognizes personal satisfaction and enrichment through life's work and volunteering. 
  • Spiritual Wellness:  Recognizes our search for meaning and purpose with a deep appreciation for life.  

You may be physically well by eating right, exercising, and taking part in preventive physician visits.  However, if you live in isolation,  leading to loneliness and depression, your total wellness is not whole.  At Aging Services, we want to support your journey to total wellness through a variety of EBPs.  Office for Aging Services is partnering with local community-based organizations to offer a variety of Evidenced-Based Programs throughout the county that support older adults in their journey to total wellness. 

For more information on any of the Evidenced-Based programs offered call the local NY Connects Helpline at 753-4582,363-4582, or 661-7582.  Ask to sign up for our communication system to get messaging about upcoming programs and services.  You can choose to get these automated messages by text, email, or voice calls.   

This material has been funded in whole or in part by grants from the New York State Office for the Aging (NYSOFA), and/ or the Administration on Aging (AOA) and/ or Administration for Community Living (ACL). Nothing herein is intended, nor should be construed, as an endorsement by the State of New York. 



Powerful Tools for Caregivers is an educational program developed to provide family caregivers with tools to better manage caregiving duties, reduce stress, and increase well being. PTC is based on the highly effective Chronic Disease Self- Management Program developed by Kate Loring and her colleagues at Sanford University. The program has a positive impact on caregivers, such as improved health and wellness, increased ability to handle stress, better use and knowledge of community resources. Contact NY Connects for classes and locations. The program runs once a week for six weeks and each class is approximately 2 hours. Respite care is available through Chautauqua Adult Day Care. 

Wellness Initiative for Senior Education empowers older adults to advocate for their own health, make healthy lifestyle choices, and navigate use of medications and substances like alcohol.  This program runs once a week for six weeks and each class is approximately 2 hours.  

Exercise/Activities Resources: