
VIDEO: Commissioners Announce Summer 2024 Poll Worker Training and Stress the Need for New Poll Workers

Submitted by Justin Gould on Thu, 07/11/2024 - 12:55

MAYVILLE, NY – Board of Election Commissioners Luz E. Torres and Brian C. Abram stresses the need for new poll workers in Chautauqua County while announcing Summer 2024 Poll Worker Training and lunching a new Public Service Announcement video.

Training is set to begin on Tuesday, July 30 and continues through Thursday, August 15.

“This year will be the largest turnout of our four year cycle. We are always in need of new Poll Workers, but this year we will need even more individuals to supplement our workforce and help our veteran workers with the increased turnout,” commented Commissioner Torres.

This year, the Commissioners are launching a video campaign to recruit new Poll Workers. The video features footage from actual Chautauqua County Poll Sites and testimonials from veteran Chautauqua County Election Workers. Commissioners Torres and Abram hope that this video inspires voters to attend training and become Election Inspectors .

“We need more residents to step up and get involved, our current workers are the backbone of our Election Infrastructure,” stated Commissioner Abram, “but we are looking to introduce new individuals to our voting process and retain as many workers as possible for future Elections.”

Current and new poll workers are asked to pick a training session that fits their schedule, no reservations are required. Workers only need to attend one session – each session provides the same information, including how to operate the Electronic Poll Book to check in voters, how to operate the voting machine and other topics that inspectors need to be knowledgeable in to provide services to the voters of Chautauqua County.

“Per New York State Election Law, each year every Poll Worker must attend a training session. Classes provide a review of our policies, procedures and an update that gives everyone the opportunity to become familiar with the latest election law changes,” noted Commissioner Torres.

North County: The Board of Elections will offer training at the JCC North County Training Center, 10807 Bennet Rd in Dunkirk from Tuesday, July 30 to Saturday, August 3. Classes will be held at 1PM and 5:30PM on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. There will also be a 9AM class on Saturday.

South County: The Board of Elections will offer training at the JCC Main Campus at the Carnahan Theatre, 525 Falconer St in Jamestown from Tuesday, August 6 to Saturday, August 10. Classes will be held at 1PM and 5:30PM on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. There will also be a 9AM class on Saturday.

Mid County: The Board of Elections will offer training at the Ashville BOCES E2CCB Hewes Center, 2615 N. Maple Ave in Ashville from Tuesday, August 13 to Thursday, August 15. Classes will be held at 1PM and 5:30PM on Tuesday and Wednesday. There will also be a 9AM class on Thursday.

Training participants are asked to follow the “Board of Elections” signs to find the training room at each site. The signs held workers who are not familiar with the location of the training room.

Any registered member of the Democratic or Republican parties are able to be assigned to work as Election Inspectors. New workers must bring their Social Security Card, Driver’s License and Bank Information for Direct Deposit (cancelled check or routing information) to their training session. They will be provided with Direct Deposit forms and Employment Forms at the training session. New workers will be assigned on Election Day, Tuesday, November 5, 2024 - side by side with veteran poll workers, some of which have been serving the voters of Chautauqua County for over 20 years. We ask voters of Chautauqua County to attend a training session now so they can join our ranks this November and #HelpAmericaVote.

Poll Workers are paid $35 for attending the training session and are paid $15 per hour on Election Day, Tuesday, November 5, 2024. Poll Workers are asked to work from 5AM to the close of polls, usually around 9:30PM.

“It’s a long day, but without our Poll Workers – we cannot do our job,” added Commissioner Abram.

For more information, visit www.votechautauqua.com.


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