
New 988 Suicide Prevention Signage To Be Unveiled In The City Of Jamestown

Submitted by Justin Gould on Wed, 06/26/2024 - 15:36

JAMESTOWN, NY – The City of Jamestown is taking steps toward addressing the issue of suicide by unveiling new signage on the 3rd Street Bridge and other locations throughout the city featuring the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. These signs are a beacon of hope and support, perhaps providing crucial lifesaving information at a time of need. These signs will be unveiled on June 27th at 1 PM, at the corner of 3rd Street and Porter Avenue. Mayor Ecklund as well as other community members will be present to speak about the importance of the initiative as well as other important local and national resources.

Suicides have a profound and devastating impact on communities, and the City of Jamestown is no exception.

This is a deeply personal issue for Mayor Kimberly Ecklund, whose beloved nephew, Ryan Michael, tragically took his own life in 2020.

“Saying that I'm an advocate is an understatement. Four years ago, I experienced firsthand the profound pain of losing a beloved family member to suicide when my nephew, Ryan, passed away. Even after his death, Ryan continues to inspire me to continue to be an advocate for all who are impacted by suicide as well as spreading awareness and education,” said Mayor Ecklund.

Not a day goes by without Mayor Ecklund thinking of Ryan and the special bond they shared. His funny messages, calls, and ability to make anyone laugh physically are gone forever. Ryan’s heart was full of kindness and love, and he was a sweet and caring individual. His generous spirit and loving nature are greatly missed by his family, friends, and all who had the privilege of knowing him. Ryan’s memory lives on through the love and kindness he showed to others, and his legacy is a testament to the profound impact he had on those around him. 

“This loss affects me daily,” said Mayor Ecklund. “Ryan’s laughter, light, and love are missing from our lives, and I do not want anyone else to ever feel like they need to take their life. These signs are more than just a number; they represent hope and the potential to save a life as well as a reminder of the importance of our mission and the enduring impact of our advocacy.”

The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline provides immediate support for those in distress, offering a direct connection to compassionate care and resources. By placing these signs throughout the city, Jamestown hopes to remind its residents that support is always available and that no one has to face their struggles alone.

In addition to the 988 hotline, there are other vital resources such as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and the Chautauqua County 24/7 Crisis Hotline. These resources are part of a broader effort to provide comprehensive support and services to those struggling with mental health issues and thoughts of suicide.

Support groups are also available through the Mental Health Association (MHA) as well as the Suicide Prevention Alliance of Chautauqua County. These groups offer a safe space for individuals to share their experiences and receive support from peers. More information about these support groups can be found by visiting www.mhachautauqua.org and www.preventionsuicidechq.com.

Bringing awareness and information to the forefront is essential in addressing mental health challenges and promoting well-being throughout the community.

The City of Jamestown invites all community members and media representatives to attend the press conference and join in our collective effort to prevent suicide and support mental health.  Mayor Ecklund invites everyone to come and support this initiative and others who are impacted by suicide stating “together we can help to create a community of compassion and kindness where help is accessible and we stand united against this silent epidemic of suicide”.


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