
Chautauqua County Department of Mental Hygiene Announces New Logo

Submitted by gallagha on Tue, 10/11/2022 - 10:14



Pictured above, the Chautauqua County Department of Mental Hygiene’s new logo.


MAYVILLE, N.Y.: --The Chautauqua County Department of Mental Hygiene (CCDMH) announces a new logo for the department. With the recent growth, expanded services, and more on the horizon, the department felt it was time to transition to a logo that better represents this.


“We have been working hard within our team, with other County departments, and with community partners to identify gaps in service, take inventory of our existing resources, and make a strategic plan to access funding and form partnerships to fill those gaps," said Carmelo Hernandez, Director of Community Mental Hygiene Services. "We felt that our current logo didn't represent this effort accurately. The new logo highlights our caring team members' support and illustrates that support goes beyond traditional clinical services."


The new logo is caring and supportive and represents the department's connection and partnership with its clients, coworkers, and the community. The lotus’ journey is one of growing through challenges resulting in this flower symbolizing rebirth, purity, and strength. The open hands seek connection and engagement, available, facing up, to demonstrate the duality of support, being available to lift and catch. The petals of the leaves are three and done in gradients to represent all the many facets and types of service delivery. Interconnected petals support the coordination and integration of services. 


The CCDMH team voted on the new color palette. Bright teal is the primary color to represent our team. The gradient teal leaf represents our clinical services—Teal symbolizes calmness, serenity, and strength. Kelly green is a secondary color that represents our community reach. Green denotes balance, prosperity, renewal, and mental health awareness. Representing crisis services is light blue, symbolizing peace, tranquility, reliability, and security. Charcoal rounds out the palette to symbolize strength, intellect, and compromise.


The logo launch coincides with World Mental Health Day, October 10, 2022. World Mental Health Day is an international day for global mental health education, awareness, and advocacy against social stigma.


To learn more about CCDMH and local education and awareness opportunities, visit chqgov.com/mental-hygiene or by searching @mentalhygienechq.




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